Cloudberry Package Manager installs, upgrades, migrates, and removes Apache Cloudberry extensions in .gppkg
format, such as PL/Java, PL/R, PostGIS, and MADlib, along with their dependencies, across an entire cluster.
gppkg <command> [<command_options> ...]
gppkg <commmand> --h | --help
gppkg --version
gppkg -v | --verbose
The Cloudberry Package Manager -- gppkg
-- utility installs Apache Cloudberry extensions, along with any dependencies, on all hosts across a cluster. It will also automatically install extensions on new hosts in the case of system expansion and segment recovery.
The gppkg
utility does not require that Apache Cloudberry is running in order to install packages.
Examples of database extensions and packages software that are delivered using the Cloudberry Package Manager:
- PL/Java
- PL/R
- PostGIS
- MADlib
Display the help for the command.
install <package_name> [<command_options>]
Install or upgrade the specified package in the cluster. This includes any pre/post installation steps and installation of any dependencies.
migrate --source <source_path> --destination <destination_path> [--pkglibs <pkglibs_path>] [<command_options>]
Migrate all packages from one minor version of Apache Cloudberry to another. The option --source <source_path>
specifies the path of the source $GPHOME
, and the option --destination <destination_path>
specifies the path of the destination $GPHOME
. Additionally, the option --pkglibs <pkglibs_path>
allows you to point to a location where you may place newer version packages for the destination Cloudberry version; gppkg
will upgrade these packages automatically.
query [<package_name_string>] [<query_option>] [<command_options>]
Display information about the extensions installed in the cluster. <package_name_string>
is a string that specifies the package name. If it is an empty string, it will match all packages. If it is a simple word, it will match all packages with the word included in the name. Use –-exact
to specify the exact package name.
query_option | Returns |
--exact | The provided <package_name_string> must match exactly a package name |
--detail | Provide detailed information about the package |
--verify | Verify the package installation |
--local | Do not query at cluster level |
remove <package_name> [<command_options>]
Uninstall the specified package from the cluster.
sync [<command_options>]
Reconcile the package state of the cluster to match the state of the master host. Running this option after a failed or partial install/uninstall ensures that the package installation state is consistent across the cluster.
Global options
--cluster_info <cluster_info>
Use this option when Apache Cloudberry is not running. The input file <cluster_info>
contains information about the database cluster. You may generate the file by running the following command:
psql postgres -Xc 'select dbid, content, role, preferred_role, mode, status, hostname, address, port, datadir from gp_segment_configuration order by content, preferred_role desc;' | head -n-2 | tail -n+3 | tr -d " " > cluster_info
-a | --accept
Do not prompt the user for confirmation.
-d | --dryrun
Run a simulation for the command, without modifying anything.
-f | --force
Skip all requirement checks and overwrite existing files.
-h | --help
Display the online help.
-V | --version
Display the version of this utility.
-v | --verbose
Set the logging level to verbose.
Install the Apache Cloudberry PL/Java extension:
gppkg install ./pljava-2.0.7-gp7-rhel8_x86_64.gppkg
Query all packages that are installed in a cluster:
gppkg query
Detecting network topology[=========================================] [OK]
Detect result
3 unique hosts found
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